Today MALTARTI, visits an exhibition of the artistic and musical work of Mro Pawlu Grech.
Il-passjoni ta’ artist kultant timmanifesta ruħha f’diversi forom. Fil-każ ta’ Mro Pawlu Grech, din seħħet permezz tal-mużika u l-arti viżiva, tant li għamel karriera mit-tnejn li huma tul ħajtu, kemm f’Malta, kif ukoll lil hinn minn xtutna. Niskopru aktar dwar dan, mill-wirja Resonances.
An artist’s passion can manifest in different ways. In the case of Mro Pawlu Grech, it has manifested in music and visual arts, so much so that he made a career out of both during his lifetime, in Malta and overseas. We will discover more through the exhibition Resonances.