In this feature of MALTARTI, we’ll be taking a look at limestone structures that look like they were made out of paper. Organised by The Valletta Cultural Agency, this exhibition ‘It’s all Paperwork’ is being held under the patronage of Parliament Speaker, Hon Anglu Farrugia.
Jidhru tal-karti iżda magħmula mill-franka. Il-kapaċità artistika t’Antoine Farrugia fl-iskultua, tqarraq bl-għajn b’mod straodinarju. L-Aġenzija Kulturali tal-Belt Valletta tippreżenta dan ix-xogħol uniku fl-esebizzjoni It’s all Paperwork li qed tittella’ fil-Binja tal-Parlament taħt il-patronċinju tal-Ispeaker tal-Kamra, l-Onorevoli Anglu Farrugia.
They look like paper, but are actually made from limestone. Antoine Farrugia’s talent in sculpting bewilders the viewer in extraordinary ways. The Valletta Cultural Agency presents this unique work in the exhibition titled “It’s All Paperwork” which is being held at the Parliament House in Valletta, under the patronage of the speaker of the house of representatives, Hon Anglu Farrugia.