In today’s episode we reflect on the art exhibition Normal Deviance, a collaborative work by artists Mark Schembri u Nuntia.
It-tendenzi eżistenzjali tal-artist Mark Schembri iltaqgħu mal-ħarsa profonda lejn il-biżgħat tal-bniedem li l-artista Nuntia turi fil-viżwali li toħloq. Flimkien dawn ħolqu wirja artistika bl-isem Normal Deviance, li wieħed seta’ jgawdi max-xatt tal-Isla tul Settembru.
Mark Schembri’s existential tendencies met with a profound look into human fear that the artist Nuntia manages to portray visually. The two joined forces to create the art exhibition Normal Deviance, that one could enjoy whilst strolling along the Senglea waterfront throughout September.