Maltarti is visiting an exhibition that celebrates the relationship between the Inquisitor’s Palace and the Dominican Community, particularly during the Second World War, when the Dominicans ended up living and teaching in the palace.
Wara attakk qawwi mill-għadu, fi żmien it-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija, il-komunità Dumnikana tal-Birgu spiċċat bla kunvent u bla Knisja. Għal madwar għoxrin sena kellhom bżonn refuġju fejn setgħu jgħixu u jgħallmu, u għamlu użu mill-Palazz tal-Inkwiżitur. Wirja li Heritage Malta fetħet f’Awwissu tfakkar ir-rabta speċjali bejn id-Dumnikani u l-Palazz tal-Inkwiżitur.
After heavy bombardment during the Second World War, the Dominican community in Birgu ended up without a convent or church. For around twenty years, they needed temporary refuge where they could live and teach from, and they made use of the Inquisitor’s Palace. An exhibition that Heritage Malta opened last August celebrates the special relationship between the Dominican community and the Inquisitor’s Palace.