During MALTARTI, we’re going to introduce you to the President of the Malta Photographic Society in order to share with you information about the annual exhibition of the Society and other activities that are going to be organized this year.
Għal darb’oħra, is-Soċjetà Maltija tal-Fotografija qed torganizza l-wirja annwali tagħha u tħejji għal programm ġdid ta’ konkorsi fl-arti tal-lenti. It-tim tagħna ltaqa’ mal-President ta’ din is-soċjetà sabiex jitgħallem aktar dwar il-wirja u attivitajiet oħra li se ttella’ fis-sena li ġejja.
Again, the Malta Photographic Society is organizing its annual exhibition whilst preparing its new program in relation to competitions of lens art. Our team met with the President of this Society to better understand the purpose of this exhibition and other activities prepared for the upcoming year.