During MALTARTI we will discuss a series of concerts for the 100th anniversary of the Malta Society of Arts, including a show by renowned pianist and composer Dominic Galea.
Is-Soċjetà tal-Arti f’Malta qed tiċċelebra anniversarju importanti b’sensiela ta’ kunċerti, fosthom serata ta’ mużika mill-pjanist u kompożitur Dominic Galea. Se tkun serata ta’ mużika jazz minn kompożituri lokali li żgur se jieħdu lill-udjenza fuq vjaġġ mill-isbaħ. Iżda se nħallu f’idejn Galea u d-Direttur Artistiku tas-Soċjetà, Karl Fiorini, biex jgħidulna aktar.
The Malta Society of Arts is celebrating an important anniversary with a series of concerts, including an evening of music by pianist and composer Dominic Galea. This will be an evening of jazz music from local composers that will surely take the audience on a beautiful journey. However, we will leave it to Galea and the Society’s Artistic Director, Karl Fiorini, to tell us more.