Katya Saunders is given the spotlight in this episode of MALTARTI, a trans icon that is being remembered through research, an exhibition and a publication.
Katya Saunders hija ikona trans li fl-aħħar xhur ingħatat ħajja ġdida permezz tar-riċerka, wirja, u pubblikazzjoni dwar ħajjitha. F’din ir-rokna nlaqqgħukom ma’ Katya li lil hinn minn karattru b’saħħtu b’sens kbir t’eleganza, kienet ukoll ta’ sostenn għal bosta persuni oħra.
Trans icon Katya Saudners was given new life in the past few months through an exhibition, research and publication about her life. In this episode we spotlight Katya, a strong character with an air of elegance who quickly became an inspiration to many others .