During Maltarti, we’re going to meet with artist Enrique Tabone who is presenting her work in the exhibition Prestorjha at Spazju Kreattiv.
Nilqgħukom għal Maltarti, il-programm t’attwalità fl-arti u l-kultura.
Arti kontemporanja bit-tema tal-figura femminili fil-preistorja ta’ Malta u Għawdex minn perspettiva femminista. Dan hu x-xogħol li qed tippreżenta l-artista Enrique Tabone fil-wirja Prestorjha li qed tittella fi Spazju Kreattiv.
Welcome to Maltarti: the television programme with the latest on art and culture.
Contemporary art based on the theme of the female figure during Malta and Gozo’s prehistoric period from the female perspective. This is the work that artist Enrique Tabone is showcasing in the exhibition Prestorjha hosted at Spazju Kreattiv.