In today’s episode we will be discussing a series of evenings of music and poetry held at Palazzo Falson in Mdina.
Huwa mistħoqq li Palazzo Falson fl-Imdina jqanqal ħsibijiet dwar Malta antika u r-rikkezzi li għadu assoċjat magħhom sal-lum. Għal numru ta’ serati tul dan l-istaġun, il-palazz waħħad il-mużika mal-poeżija grazzi għal inizjattiva li ġabet flimkien poetessa Maltija u pjanista internazzjonali għal lejla ta’ mużika improvizzata u poeżija oriġinali bil-Malti.
It comes as no surprise that Palazzo Falson in Mdina makes one think of a bygone Malta and the riches associated with that time till this very day. For a number of performances throughout this season the palace has combined music with poetry thanks to the initiative that has brought together a Maltese Poet and an International Pianist for a night of improvised music and original poetry in Maltese.