During MALTARTI we’re going to discuss the ceramic exhibition by the artist Joseph Agius which shows the good and the bad of everyday life.
“Dik hi l-ħajja” hija esibizzjoni artistika minn Joseph Agius, li ddawwar lill-viżitaturi b’oġġetti taċ-ċeramika li jirrappreżentaw is-sabiħ u l-ikrah tal-ħajja ta’ kuljum. Il-gwerra, l-imħabba u anke t-twelid huma biss ftit mit-temi li wieħed se jinnota fl-esibizzjoni, li b’hekk qed titfa’ dawl fuq realtajiet differenti.
‘That’s life – C’est la Vie’ is an artistic exhibition by Joseph Agius that takes visitors on a journey through ceramic objects which represent the good and the bad of everyday life. War, love, and birth are just a few of the themes that one can notice in this exhibition which sheds light on different realities.