In this episode, ŻfinMalta’s artistic director discusses the new season reflecting on the realities of war and climate change, and how these are affecting our lives. So what future will our future be in one hundred years?
Nostalġiku, ta’ ‘wara l-bniedem’ u futuristiku. Id-direttur artistiku tal-kumpanija nazzjonali taż-żfin, ŻfinMalta, Paolo Mangiola, jintroduċina mat-temi ewlenin li se jesploraw permezz tal-koreografija fl-istaġun il-ġdid.
Nostalgic, post-human and futuristic. The artistic director for ŻfinMalta, the national dance company, Paolo Mangiola, introduces the principal themes that they will be exploring through choreography in the new season.