MALTARTI met the author, historian, and art collector Nicholas de Piro to speak about his latest two publications. Melita Darling – a collection of short stories and poems, and Malta Stories from the Life and Times of Jerome de Piro.
Melita Darling – kollezzjoni ta’ stejjer qosra u poeżiji, u Malta Stories from the Life and Times of Jerome de Piro, huma l-aħħar żewġ publikazzjonijiet ta’ Nicholas de Piro. MALTARTI żar lilll-awtur, u storiku u kollezzjonista tal-arti, fir-residenza tiegħu Casa Rocca Piccola, fil-Belt Valletta, biex jitkellem dwar dawn il-kotba.
Melita Darling – A Collection of short stories and poems, and Malta Stories from the Life and Times of Jerome De Piro, are the latest two publications by Nicholas de Piro. MALTARTI visited the author, historian, and art collector at his residence Casa Rocca Piccola in Valletta to speak about these books.