F’Maltarti se nitkellmu dwar wirja artistika mill-artist Karl Fröman, li ttellgħet fil-Kamra ta’ Fuq.
L-artist Karl Fröman esebixxa diversi pitturi oriġinali fil-wirja li għaqqdet il-kumplessità tal-iżvilupp uman mal-ordni li aħna ngħixu biha. Il-kuntrast bejn it-tnejn huwa evidenti fil-pitturi, li se jsaħħru lill-viżitatur mhux biss bl-impulsività artistika li jħaddnu, iżda anke bil-ħsieb li jqanqlu fina lkoll.
The artist Karl Fröman exhibits various original paintings in his exhibition From Chaos We are Borne which bring together the complexity of human development and the order by which we live. The contrast between the two is evident in his paintings which will amuse visitors not only because of the artistic impulsivity behind them, but also because of the thoughts they instigate within us all.