During Maltarti we will discuss an exhibition of photographs of the Maltese Islands that was held in Estonia’s capital city.
Nilqgħukom għal Maltarti, il-programm t’attwalità fl-arti u l-kultura.
Is-sbuħija naturali ta’ Malta, l-istil ta’ ħajja u l-istorja huma biss ftit mit-temi ewlenin ta’ wirja fotografika li saret fl-Estonja. L-Ambaxxatur Malti għall-Estonja se jgħidilna aktar dwar din l-esibizzjoni ta’ xogħlijiet minn artisti bħal Errit Kuldkepp, Jonathan Borg, James Bianchi, Giuseppe Attard, Joseph Galea u Roger Azzopardi.
Welcome to Maltarti: the television programme that covers the latest on arts and culture.
Malta’s natural beauty, its way of life and its history are but a few themes of a photographic exhibition held in Estonia. The Maltese Ambassador to Estonia will tell us more about this exhibition that features works by artists such as Errit Kuldepp, Jonathan Borg, James Bianchi, Giuseppe Attard, Joseph Galea and Roger Azzopardi.