Maltarti jiltaqa’ ma’ Albert Marshall biex jiddiskuti d-dramm li tradotta u li issa qed jidderiegi, Arti.
F’dan l-episodju Maltarti jżur il-provi tal-kummiedja Arti. Kummiedja ta’ Rasmina Reza, tradotta għall-Malti minn Albert Marshall, li llum il-ġurnata qed jidderieġi dan ix-xogħol li se jittella’ fi Splendid, fi Strada Stretta, bejn il-21 u t-30 ta’ April.
In this episode Maltarti visits the rehearsals of the comedy show Arti. This is a comedy by Yasmina Reza; translated to Maltese by Albert Marshall who is now directing the show that will be staged at the Splendid in Strada Stretta between the 21st and the 30th of April.