During Maltarti, we will discuss the post-pandemic return of the Christmas pantomime on the Manoel Theatre stage. Masquerade presents Ċikku and the Chocolate Panto.
Il-pantomima tal-Milied hija tradizzjoni li treġġi lura ħafna snin u għandha rabta speċjali mat-Teatru Nazzjonali. Wara nuqqas ta’ sentejn minħabba l-pandemija, il-pantomima se tirritorna fuq il-palk tal-Manoel, b’Ċikku and the Chocolate Panto, produzzjoni ta’ Masquerade.
The Christmas pantomime is an old tradition with special ties to the national theatre. Following a two-year absence due to the pandemic, the pantomime will return to the Manoel stage with Ċikku and the Chocolate Panto, produced by Masquerade.