In Maltarti the artist Elsa Romei shares her experiences as a teacher, actress and painter, and describes the works she’s sharing in an exhibition in April.
L–għalliema, attriċi u pittriċi… Elsa Romei għexet ħajjitha mdawra bl-arti, u llum il-ġurnata għadha tagħżel li tirrakkonta stejjer permezz taż-żejt fuq it-tila. F’dan l-episodju Elsa tesprimi dak li tixtieq taqsam mal-pubbliku, fil-wirja li se ttella’ f’April li ġej.
A teacher, actress and painter… Elsa Romei has lived a life surrounded by art, and today she’s still telling/reciting stories through oil on canvas paintings. In this episode, Elsa expresses what she’d like to share with the public in her exhibition this April.