In this episode we visit Willie Apap’s exhibition in the il-Ħaġar Museum, in Gozo, where we meet the exhibition’s curator Maria Cassar. Maltarti, a current affairs programme for art and culture
Colour and Light hija wirja retrospettiva tal-artist Willie Apap, fil-Mużew il-Ħaġar, f’Għawdex. Wirja b’sebgħin xogħol artistiku li juri l-ġenju u l-versatilità tal-artist, fl-akbar wirja ta’ xogħlu. Niltaqgħu mal-kuratriċi ta’ din il-wirja Maria Cassar.
Willie Apap – Colour and Light is a retrospective exhibition at il-Ħaġar Museum in Gozo. The exhibition of seventy artworks will show off the artist’s genius and versatility, in what is thought to be the largest exhibit of his works. We’re meeting with the curator of this exhibition, Maria Cassar.