In today’s feature of MALTARTI, we’ll be meeting artist Cristóbal Gabarrón, an artist known for his work with the United Nations and his signature use of vibrant colours.
Pajjiżna qed jospita l-arti ta’ Cristóbal Gabarrón, li jippreżentalna tili b’kuluri jgħajtu għat-tama u għall-paċi; fost l-oħrajn, isem Gabarrón huwa marbut mal-Ġnus Magħquda, u għaldaqtant insibu bosta mill-prinċipji ta’ din l-organizzazzjoni dinjija fil-pinzellati b’saħħithom li jippreżentalna.
Our country is hosting the art of Cristóbal Gabarrón who is currently exhibiting artworks with vibrant colours yearning for hope and peace. Among others, the name Gabarrón is one which is associated with the United Nations and therefore, many of the principles of the organisations can be traced in the strong work that he presents.