‘Gods & Monsters’ began as a collection centred on exploring mythology. However, as the work progressed, each piece started to evolve independently. What initially emerged as a singular concept transformed into something far more intricate, with each artwork developing its own story and identity.

While the overarching theme of divine and monstrous dualities connects the pieces, each stands alone, telling a unique story of transformation, struggle, and identity. Some works reimagine ancient gods, shedding light on their flaws and vulnerabilities, while others bring misunderstood monsters into focus, uncovering their hidden strengths or untold tragedies. Each artwork captures a complete narrative, whether it be a moment, an emotion, or a journey. Together, they form a broader narrative exploring the coexistence of the divine and the monstrous within us all.

This chapter of ‘Gods & Monsters’ marks only the beginning. The collection serves as the foundation for a larger body of work that will continue to evolve as these archetypes are explored across diverse cultures, myths, and religions. The universality of the theme is its greatest strength—gods and monsters exist in every story and belief system. The aim is to continue peeling back layers, finding new interpretations of these figures, and challenging the way they are perceived.