In MALTARTI we’re discussing the play Iġri Neħles. A play about abortion written by Marta Vella and produced by Staġun Teatru Malti and Teatru Manoel.
Suġġett topiku li l-poplu jidher li għadu maqsum dwaru – l-abbort. Dan is-suġġett qed jitqajjem u jiġi interpretat bil-produzzjoni Iġri Neħles. Produzzjoni ta’ Staġun Teatru Malti u t-Teatru Manoel li se tittella’ bejn il-25 u s-27 ta’ Novembru.
A current subject that the nation still seems to be divided on – abortion. This subject is being discussed and interpreted in the theatrical production Iġri Neħles. A Staġun Teatru Malti and Teatru Manoel production that’s being held between the 25th and 27th November.