During MALTARTI, we will introduce you to Matthew Schembri and Thomas Scerri, two artists who collaborated on an exhibition titled ‘In Between’.
Matthew Schembri u Thomas Scerri huma żewġ artisti żgħażagħ li ħadmu flimkien sabiex jesploraw l-ispazji bejjiena, l-hemm u l-hawn, l-issa u l-imbagħad. F’din ir-rokna ltqajna kemm ma’ Thomas kif ukoll ma’ Matthew sabiex jagħtuna dewqa tal-wirja li ttellgħet f’Awwissu u Settembru fi Spazju Kreattiv, il-Belt Valletta.
Matthew Schembri and Thomas Scerri are two young artists who worked together to explore the spaces between us, the ‘here’ and the ‘now’, and ‘now’ and ‘then’. We met up with Thomas and Matthew who gave us a taste of the exhibition, which was housed within Spazju Kreattiv during August and September.