Maltarti joins Studio 18 in celebrating the tenth anniversary of the establishment of the company.
Nilqgħukom għal Maltarti, il-programm t’attwalità fl-arti u l-kultura.
Kumpanija maħluqa bl-għan li tgħin artisti jifjorixxu u jsiru professjonisti fis-settur tagħhom, minn atturi, għall-kittieba ta’ drammi u iktar, il-kunċett ta’ Studio 18 huwa li jipprepara lil dawn l-artisti biex jagħmlu karriera mit-talenti u l-passjonijiet tagħhom. X’għamlu Studio 18 f’dawn l-aħħar għaxar snin, u x’inhi l-viżjoni għall-futur tagħhom?
Welcome to Maltarti: the television programme that covers the latest on arts and culture.
Studio 18 – a company created with the aim of helping artists from actors to playwrights, and more to flourish and become professionals in their sector. The concept of the company is to prepare these artists to make a career out of their talents and their passions. What have Studio 18 done in the last ten years, and what is their vision for their future?