During MALTARTI we will have a look at Magna Żmien, an initiative that has taken the opportunity to collaborate with the Valletta Design Cluster to operate within its space.
Il-Valletta Design Cluster qed jistieden entitajiet u individwi kreattivi sabiex jissieħbu miegħu. F’din ir-rokna, it-tim tagħna ltaqa’ ma’ Magna Żmien sabiex jitkixxef aktar dwar l-opportunitajiet li joffri l-Valletta Design Cluster u dwar ix-xogħol siewi li qed tagħmel.
The Valletta Design Cluster is inviting creative entities to collaborate and produce original work in the spaces within the old civil abattoir in Valletta. In today’s episode our team will meet with Magna Żmien to learn more about the opportunities the Valletta Design Cluster offers and the work it carries out.