F’Maltarti se nagħtu ħarsa lill-arti ta’ Mark Geoffrey Muscat, mill-iswed għall-ilwien b’saħħithom.
Li kieku mhux għal-linji suwed li jservu t’ankra, il-kuluri jgħajtu tal-artist Mark Geoffrey Muscat kienu jaħarbu jiġru minn fuq it-tili; f’din ir-rokna niddiskutu l-ilwien, il-forom, u d-dinamika ta’ bejniethom f’xogħol Muscat, b’ħarsa lejn l-aħħar wirja tiegħu …
If it wasn’t for the black lines which serve as an anchor, the vivid colours used by the artist Mark Geoffrey Muscat would escape from the canvas; in this episode we’re going the discuss the colours, the shapes and the dynamic between them in Muscat’s work by having a look at his latest exhibition.