MALTARTI will be taking a look at the work of Michele Oka Doner, work that launched as part of the MICAS International Art Weekend.
Michele Oka Doner, artista bbażata fl-Amerka, kienet f’pajjiżna ghat-tnedija tax-xogħol The Palm Godess, parti mill-International Art Weekend, appuntament anwali tal-MICAS. It-tim tagħna iltaqa’ ma’ Doner biex jesplora aktar din l-iskultura, ispirata mill-arkeoloġija u l-flora indiġena ta’ Malta.
Michele Oka Doner, an artist based in America, was in our country working on The Palm Goddess, part of the International Art Weekend, an annual appointment for MICAS. Our team met with Doner to get to know more about this sculpture inspired by the archaeology and the indigenous Maltese flora.