During Maltarti we will discover the paintings of Silvio John Camilleri, which depict urban and rural Maltese Landscapes in the exhibition titled Sights and Sites.
Pitturi tal-pajsaġġ Malti li joħduna lil hinn min-natura, għal siti urbani li aħna aktar imdorrijin naraw fil-ħajja ta’ kuljum. Silvio John Camilleri jesponi xogħlijiet li pitter fl-aħħar sentejn u nofs fl-esibizzjoni Sights and Sites.
Paintings depicting the Maltese landscape that look beyond nature to urban sites we are accustomed to in our everyday lives. Silvio John Camilleri is exhibiting the paintings he has worked on in the past two and a half years in his exhibition Sights and Sites.