During MALTARTI, we will be discussing SIX, dance workshops in communities for persons of 60 years of age and over.
Swing, Tango, Foxtrot, Cha Cha u Żfin Kontemporanju, dawn huma wħud mill-istili taż-żfin li l-kommunita’ magħmula minn persuni l-fuq minn sittin sena kellhom l-opportunita’ jattendu f’diversi lokalitajiet madwar Malta. It-tim tagħna iltaqa’ mat-tim ta’ SIX, inizjattiva tat-Teatru Salesjan.
Swing, Tango, Foxtrot, Cha-Cha, and Contemporary Dance are just a few of different types of dance that the community of over 60 years of age has the opportunity to attend in various localities in Malta. Our team met with the team SIX, an initiative organized by the Teatru Salesjan.