During MALTARTI we will discuss Taħt Fuq, an installation by Vince Briffa and Trevor Borg in Cyprus.
Vince Briffa u Trevor Borg ġew mistiedna mit-tim kuratorjali ta’ (Under) Mining, proġett internazzjonali ta’ arti u riċerka, biex jirriċerkaw u joħolqu xogħol li jimpenja l-wirt, il-komunità u l-pajsaġġ tar-raħal tradizzjonali tal-minjieri ta’ Kalavasos f’Ċipru.
It-tim tagħna iltaqa’ ma’ Trevor u Vince sabiex nifhmu aktar dwar Taħt Fuq, u x-xogħol ta’ riċerka wara din il-wirja. Il-proġett huwa iffinanzjat parzjalment mill-International Cultural Exchanges Scheme tal-Kunsill Malti għall-Arti
Vince Briffa and Trevor Borg were invited by the curatorial team of (Under) Mining, an international arts and research project, to study and create a project that captures the heritage, community and the landscape of the traditional mining village of Kalavasos in Cyprus.
Our team met with Trevor and Vince to better understand Taħt Fuq, and the research behind this installation. This project is part financed by the International Cultural Exchanges Scheme by the Malta Arts Council.