F’Maltarti se nitkellmu dwar il-musical The Band’s Visit, li se tittella’ fit-Teatru Manoel f’Mejju li ġej.
Is-seħer tal-mużika tista’ tgħid huwa l-protagonist tal-musical The Band’s Visit li se ssir fit-Teatru Manoel f’Mejju li ġej. L-istorja se tlaqqagħna ma’ grupp ta’ mużiċisti Eġizzjani li jsibu ruħhom f’belt ċkejkna fl-Iżrael, u minn hemm tiżviluppa ġrajja mhux tas-soltu…
The musical is ‘The Band’s Visit’. Truthfully, despite being considered musical theatre, it goes beyond what we typically associate with musical theatre. We don’t have the elaborate choreographies or those big songs that you’d be singing at the audience. It is quite niche as a musical; touching on the human side.