During MALTARTI, we will look into two volumes of theatre pieces by Albert Marshall.
Direttur, poeta, traduttur, u saħansitra pilastru fl-oqsma tal-arti, il-kultura u t-televiżjoni. Il-kpiepel li jilbes Albert Marshall huma bosta, iżda ftit jafuh għall-kitba ta’ xogħlijiet teatrali. Illum, se nagħtu ħarsa lejn żewġ volumi ta’ xogħlijiet għal palk ta’ Albert Marshall.
Director, poet, translator and all throughout a pillar in arts, culture and television. These are the many hats worn by Albert Marshall, however, few know him for his written work for the theatre. Today we will look into two volumes of written work for the theatre by Albert Marshall.