During Maltarti we will be discussing the opera Tosca by Giacomo Puccini which is going to be held at the Manoel Theatre at the end of March.
Nilqgħukom għal Maltarti, il-programm t’attwalità fl-arti u l-kultura. It-teatru nazzjonali tagħna bħalissa huwa d-dar tal-opra klassika Tosca, ta’ Giacomo Puccini. It-tenur u surmast prominenti Josè Cura se jieħu sehem u jidderiġi l-produzzjoni, u llum se nlaqqgħukom miegħu biex jurina x’se joffri t-tim tiegħu fl-aħħar ta’ dan ix-xahar…
Currently, our national theatre is the home to Tosca: a classical opera by Giacomo Puccini.
The tenor and well-known maestro Josè Cura will be taking part in and directing this production, and today we will be introducing you to him to show what his team will be offering at the end of this month.