During Maltarti we’re going to provide you with the latest news in relation to the Trikki Trakki theatre festival for children to children.
Il-festival Trikki Trakki se jagħlaq sitt snin u se jkompli fit-tradizzjoni ta’ tlugħ ta’ workshops u ta’ produzzjonijiet mit-tfal għat-tfal b’mod li jqarreb lill-udjenzi ż-żgħar lejn dinja ta’ ħsejjes sbieħ, movimenti fantastiċi, u kuluri jgħajtu tat-teatru .
The festival Trikki Trakki is coming to the end of its 6th year, and will continue its tradition of organising workshops and productions for children to children in a way that attracts a young audience to a world of beautiful noises, fantastical movements, and the bright colours of the theatre.