In this episode Maltarti visits the Valletta Design Cluster, in the old slaughterhouse in Valletta, that is organising an Open Day.
Il-Valletta Design Cluster huwa wieħed mill-proġetti tal-Valletta 2018 li ħalla legat biex jitgawda mil-kommunita’. Fil-jiem li ġejjin dan il-bini se jiftaħ il-bibien tiegħu għal-Open Day bit-tema tal-ikel, sabiex il-pubbliku jkun jista jżur il-faċilitajiet u l-ispazji li l-Cluster joffri, relatati m’hekk.
Valletta Design Cluster is one of the Valletta 2018 projects that left a legacy to be enjoyed by the community. In the coming days this building will open its doors for a food themed Open Day, where the public will be able to visit the facilities and spaces that the Cluster offers in relation to the theme.