In Maltarti we’re discussing the theme and artists of the exhibition When the Moon Waxes Red that’s being held at Spazju Kreattiv.
Artisti minn diversi pajjiżi jingħaqdu biex jesploraw it-tema ta’ żbilanċ bejn l-attività umana u d-degredazzjoni tal-ambjent. Ix-xogħol ta’ dawn l-artisti se jintwera fi Spazju Kreattiv fil-wirja When the Moon Waxes Red, bl-isem tal-wirja misluf minn ktieb bl-istess isem.
Artists from several countries come together to explore the theme of the imbalance of human activities and environmental degradation. The artists’ work will be exhibited at Spazju Kreattiv during the exhibition When the Moon Waxes Red, borrowed from the book with the same name.