MALTARTI is visiting Catherine Cavallo in the art gallery Il-Kamra ta’ Fuq, where she presented her work inspired by trees in an exhibition.
Is-siġar għandhom l-istorja u l-karattru tagħhom u kienu s-suġġett ewlieni fl-istħajjil ta’ bosta artisti u poeti. Catherine Cavallo hija artista oħra li tefgħet ħarsitha fuq is-siġar u li ppreżentathom mill-perspettiva tagħha f’gallarija tal-arti fl-Imqabba.
Trees have their own story and character and were the primary subject for many artists and poets. Catherine Cavallo is another artist who chose to focus on trees and presented them from her perspective in an art gallery in Imqabba.