MALTARTI is taking a closer look at the National Book Festival and the role of illustrators in book publication.
L-irwol importanti tal-illustraturi qed jiġi rikonoxxut b’wirja waqt il-Festival tal-Ktieb ta’ Malta, wirja li tagħti ġieħ lil illustraturi bħal Trevor Żahra, Mario Azzopardi, u Joe Sacco, u li tfakkarna f’karattri bħar-Ronnie, Kunċett u Marinton, u Fra Mudest.
The importance of illustrators is being highlighted through an exhibition during the Malta Book Festival. An exhibition that gives a node to illustrators like Trevor Żahra, Mario Azzopardi, and Joe Sacco, and brings back memories of characters like Ronnie, Kunċett and Marinton, and Fra Mudest.