In MALTARTI we will be highlighting the book ‘Xtaqt li kont merkurju’ a collection of poems from all over the work that were translated to Maltese over the past 16 years thanks to the Mediterranean Literature Festival.
Mija, tnejn u għoxrin poeżija minn madwar id-dinja li ġew tradotti għall-Malti matul il-Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta’ Malta, inġabru fi ktieb bl-isem ta’ ‘Xtaqt li kont merkurju’. F’dan l-episodju se niltaqgħu mal-edituri tal-pubblikazzjoni li se jispjegaw fost oħrajn il-proċess li bih inġabru dawn il-poeżiji u anke kif il-festival jagħti ċans lil kittieba Maltin u internazzjonali jaqraw ix- xogħol tagħhom quddiem udjenza.
120 poems from all over the world were translated to Maltese thanks to the Mediterranean Literature Festival, a collection that became a publication called ‘Xtaqt li kont merkurju’. In this episode we caught up with the editor of the publication who explained the process that him and his team went through to collect all the poems and also explains the platform that this festival provides for Maltese and International writers to present their works to audience.