In this episode of MALTARTI, we discuss the Żigużajg Festival, which every year it is filled with a programme that is full of activities for children and teenagers.
Huma bosta dawk il-familji li ta’ kull sena ikunu qed jistennew il-festival Żigużajg bi ħġarhom. Festival fejn il-protagonisti huma l-iċkejknin, minn trabi li qed jesploraw il-maġija tat-Teatru għall-ewwel darba sa żagħżagħ fuq l-għatba ta’ bidliet importanti f’ħajjithom.
ŻiguŻajg is a highly anticipated festival that many families look forward to every year, a festival whereby the protagonists are children and young people. From babies that are exploring the magic of theatre for the first time to teenagers who are on the precipice of important developments in their lives.