During Maltarti we will discuss Private Lives; a play that is being directed by Malcolm Galea and staged at the Manoel Theatre.
Nilqgħukom għal Maltarti, il-programm t’attwalità fl-arti u l-kultura. Imħabba, passjoni, u laqta umoristika huma ftit mill-ingredjenti li sawru d-dramm Private Lives, li f’Marzu se jsib postu fuq il-palk tat-Teatru Manoel. Id-direttur Malcolm Galea se jilqagħna wara l-kwinti biex jgħidilna aktar…
Welcome to Maltarti, – a current affairs programme on arts and culture. Love, passion, and a touch of humour are all ingredients that make up Private Lives, a play which will make the Manoel Theatre stage its home this March. The director, Malcolm Galea, welcomes us backstage to tell us more…