In this episode, MALTARTI we take a look at an exhibition that’s being held in Spazju Kreattiv that documents 150 years of our nation’s history. From nautical activity in the Grand Harbour and through the weaves of urban living.
Mija u ħamsin sena ta’ storja, ritratti ta’ Malta u Għawdex kif ftit minnha esperjenzaw. Wirja ġewwa Spazju Kreattiv se twasslilna diversi ritratti li jiddokumentaw l-istorja ta’ pajjiżna mill-attivita navali fil-Port il-Kbir san-nisġa tal-ħajja urbana.
150 years of history, through photos of Malta and Gozo the way very few of us have experienced them. An exhibition at Spazju Kreattiv displays several photos that document our nation’s history, from nautical activity in the Grand Harbour and through weaves of urban living.