In this episode we take a look at the preparations and rehearsals of the restaging of the comedy Żeża tal-Flagship.
Mitt sena ilu, Mikielanġ Borg kiteb kummiedja li minkejja d-drabi kollha li ttellgħet, il-poplu baqa’ jikkonkorri għaliha u l-popolarità baqgħat tiżdied. Hermann Bonaci Productions qed jagħtu l-ħajja mill-ġdid lil Żeża tal-Flagship u f’din l-intervista, nesploraw kif qed jimmodernizzaw dan il-musical. Żeża tal-Flagship se jittella’ fit-Teatru Manoel, bejn it-8 u 9, u t-13 sas-16 ta’ Ottubru.
Around a hundred years ago, Mikielanġ Borg wrote a comedy that, although has been produced on stage several times, is still highly sought after by the general public. Hermann Bonaci Productions are giving new life to Żeża tal-Flagship, and in this interview, we discover how they are modernising this musical. Żeża tal-Flagship will be held at Teatru Manoel between the 8th and 9th, and 13th to 16th October.